breeze FSM

breeze FSM

Unlock 27% Sales Growth With AI Driven Field Sales Automation

A suite for field sales force management with automated tracking, intelligent nudges and customization to transform your sales process

Faster Revenue Growth

95% Increase In
Visit to Sales

We analyse your visit, order history, demographics and thus built automated engine to make your selling intelligent to driver higher closures

360 Degree Sales View

Intelligent dashboards for clear visibility and real time report of field sales team and last mile retailers. Know them and communicate in real time

99% Faster Adoption

Get features built or customize the entire sales process to match the your organization needs. Dedicated onboarding team with 1:1 support.

24x7 Human Support

A personalized experience with the best Human Support to ensure that every team members of yours is heard and supoported

What customers are saying

Beneficial & intelligent support system for a business

“We have been utilizing the Breeze FSM application in our business since January 2023 and it has proven to be a beneficial and intelligent support system for our business.”
ZH Flexibond
User Friendly & Cost effective tool.

“We have been using the breeze system since 2020, It is a very user-friendly software at a low cost with efficiency. The company has a good team that gives prompt responses to every query.”
Shubham Shah
Better productivity with complete transparency

“Breeze FSM Solved three major problems for us. Better communication between the sale’s person with the company. Better individually tracking system and person utilization of duty specific hour. Better system for T.A bill furnishing.”
Puja Rakshit
Mashakti Food

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer a free trial?

Yes, we offer a 14-day free trial with full access to all features.

Do you offer enterprise pricing?

Yes, customized enterprise pricing is available. Please contact our sales team for details.

What support is included?

We provide 24/7 email support and weekday phone support.

Get in touch

Sign up to see the sales engine in action